granted to be assessed on them, by Virtue of an Act for Repairing
and Enlarging of the Church in the City of Annapolis; and for the
building a Chappel of Ease, &c. was not sufficient for that Purpose :
Be it therefore Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of His Lordship's
Governour, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That the Justices of Anne-Arundel County
Court, shall and may, and they are hereby authorized and directed,
on the Application of the Vestry and Church- Wardens of the said
Parish, to assess and levy, by Two further several Assessments
(over and above the Forty Thousand Pounds of Tobacco granted
to be assessed and levied by Virtue of the aforementioned Act) on
the Inhabitants of the said Parish, any Quantity or Quantities of
Tobacco not exceeding in the Whole the Quantity of Forty Thou-
sand Pounds of Tobacco. And which said Quantity or Quantities
of Tobacco, so to be assessed and levied, shall be collected by the
Sheriff of the said County; who is hereby authorized and directed
to collect the same; and who shall have for such Collection, at and
after the Rate of Five Pounds per Cent. And the said Tobacco,
when so collected, shall be paid to the said Vestry and Church-
Wardens; who are hereby authorized and required to apply the
same for the Enlargement and Reparation of the said Church, and
building of the Chappel aforesaid, in the same Manner, as the Quan-
tity of Forty Thousand Pounds of Tobacco, already granted to be
assessed and levied as aforesaid, was directed to be applied.
And whereas, It is very fit that there should be Pews in the said
Church of Annapolis, particularly assigned for the Use of the Gov-
ernour of this Province, and the Members of His Lordship's Coun-
cil, and the Speaker of the House of Delegates, and Members of
the same House :
Be it Enacted, That the Vestry and Church-Wardens aforesaid,
shall, and they are hereby impowered and directed to leave, or cause
to be left, a Place and Room vacant in the Body of the Church, large
enough to contain these Pews, viz. A handsome One for the Gover-
nour of this Province; another for the Honourable the Members of
His Lordship's Council, if they shall be pleas'd to leave or disuse
the Pews, which they at present possess in the Gallery of the said
Church; also another Pew for the Honourable the Speaker of the
House of Delegates; and Five others, large and commodious, for
the Members of the said House: The said several Pews to be built
and erected at the Publick Charge of this Province.
And be it Enacted, by the Authority, Advice, and Consent afore-
said, That one full Fourth Part of all the Charges and Expences,
which shall be laid out and expended in and about the said Enlarge-
ment and Reparation of the said Church, shall, upon the Applica-
tion of the Vestry and Churchwardens of the said Parish, to the
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