Provided always, That nothing in this Act shall extend, or be con-
strued to extend, to make void any such Sale, Mortgage, or Gift,
against such Seller, Mortgagor, or Donor, his Executors, Adminis-
trators, or Assigns only, or any claiming under him, her, or them.
Chap. X
[Chap. IX is
a private act
of which the
text is not
An Act for the Assessment of so much Tobacco, on the Inhabitants
of All-hallows Parish, in Anne-Arundel County, as will build
them a new Parish Church.
Whereas the Vestry-Men, Church-Wardens, and other the Inhabi-
tants of All-hallows Parish, in Anne-Arundel County, have, by their
Petition to this General Assembly, set forth, that their Parish Church
is so decayed and antient, that it is dangerous being therein; and
have prayed, that an Act may pass that so much Tobacco may be
levyed on the Taxable Persons of the said Parish, as will enable
them to build a Church :
Be it therefore Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of His Lordship's
Governour, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That the Justices of Anne-Arundel County
Court, shall, and may, and they are hereby authorized and directed,
on the Application of the Vestry-Men and Church- Wardens of the
said Parish, to assess and levy on the Taxable Inhabitants of the
said Parish, any Quantity of Tobacco, not exceeding Twenty Thou-
sand Pounds of Tobacco, in any one Year; and to continue so doing
Yearly, until there shall be a sufficient Quantity of Tobacco levied to
erect and compleat a new Church in the said Parish; which said To-
bacco, so to be levied, shall be collected by the Sheriff of Anne-
Arundel County, for the Time being; who is hereby authorized and
directed to collect the same; and who shall have for such Collection,
at and after the Rate of Five per Cent, without any Deduction. And
the said Tobacco, when so collected, shall be paid Yearly to the Ves-
try and Church Wardens, who are hereby authorized and required
to apply the same to the Building and Finishing a new Church in
the said Parish.
Chap. XI
p. 10
An Act for the further Assessment of Forty Thousand Pounds of
Tobacco, on the Inhabitants of St. Anne's Parish in Anne-Arun-
del County, towards inlarging and repairing the Church in the
City of Annapolis; and building a Chappel of Ease in the said
Parish; and for a Payment of a Fourth Part of the Charge, by a
Publick Assessment on the whole Province, for the Enlargement
and Reparation of the said Church.
Whereas it appears to this General Assembly, by the Representa-
tion of the Inhabitants of St. Anne's Parish, in Anne-Arundel
County, That the Quantity of Forty Thousand Pounds of Tobacco,