The House doth Appoint Mr Dulany Mr Samuel Hanson Mr
Jennings Mr Crabb Coll" Gale and Mr Hollyday to joyn the Mem-
bers proposed by the Upper House Concerning Settling a friendly
Correspondance with the Gentlemen of Virginia.
Collo Ward from the Upper House Delivered to Mr Speaker. the
paper Bill Entituled an Act for the Naturalization of Christian
Peters of Cecil County a Native of Germany thus Indorsed Viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly July the 18th 1729.
The Engrossed Bill whereof this is the Original is read and As-
sented to by this House and Sign'd p Order.
Jno Ross Cl. Up. Ho.
And the Bill Entituled an Act for the more Effectual punishing
of Negroes and other Slaves and for taking away the benefit of
Clergy from Certain Offenders Indorsed thus.
By the Upper House of Assembly 16th July 1729.
Read the first time and Ordered to Lye on the Table.
Signed p Order. Jno Ross Cl. Up. Ho.
And thus Indorsed Viz. [The endorsement is printed at page