Collo Rider from the Upper House Delivered to Mr Speaker the
Bill Entituled an Act repealing Part of an Act Entituled An Act
against forging and Counterfeiting of foreign Coyns Gold or Silver
made at a Session of Assembly begun and held at the then Town
and Port of Annapolis the Twenty Sixth day of March Anno Dom.
1707 with this following Indorsment Viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly 15th July 1729
Read the first time and Ordered a Second reading to Morrow
Signed p Order Jno Ross Cl. Up. Ho.
And with this Indorsment Viz. [The text of the endorsement
is printed at page 317.]
A Bill Entituled an Act for the more Effectual Punishing of
Negroes & other Slaves and for taking away the benefit of Clergy
from Certain offenders was read the first and second time by espe-
cial Order and Passed and sent to the Upper House by Messrs
Robert Hanson & Wm Stoughton who return & say they delivered
the same