The Upper House. 339
That the Words for the Support of Government, be
U. H. J.
Page 27
inserted next after Lord Proprietary instead of to de-
Line Ist
fray the County Charge where the Deputy Commis-
sary so offending shall reside
That the Word, only, be transposed & put next after
the Word, Legacy, in 2d Page 27 Line 4th
That next after the Words, of the Good Usage; the
p. 3S
Page 30
Line 5
Words, of the Orphans of Persons dying intestate &
the Condition of the Security for their Estates be in-
serted instead of, and Condition of the Security or
other Orphans
Page 33
Line 9
That the Words, for the Support of Government, or
to which any Orphan or Minor shall be Entituled, to be
left Out.
Page 37
Line 12
That the Words Ten p Cent, if in Specie five p
Cent & no more, be left out and the Words, Eight p
Cent, but if in Specie Nothing, be inserted
That the Words, Deputy Commissary, be left out
in Page 40 Line Ist
That all that Part of the Clause in Page 44 relating
to the Commissary General his giving Security be left
Signed p Order John Ross Cl Up Ho
Sent to the Lower House by John Hall Philemon Lloyd Jno
Rousby & Benj" Tasker Esqr
Adjourned till Monday Morning Eight of the Clock
Monday Morning 28th July 1729
This House met again according to Adjournment
July 28
The Honourable
Edward Henry Calvert
John Hall Esqr
Philemon Lloyd Esqr
Coll Richard Tilghman
Benjamin Tasker Esqr
Philip Lee Esqr
Members of the Upper House
A message from the Lower house by Coll Gale & two others
By the Lower house of Assembly 28th July 1729
May it please your Honours.
This house hath resolved (as by your honours Message of the 25
Instant sent here by Benjamin Tasker Esqr was proposed) to ad-