Which is ordered to lye on the Table
John Hall Esqr (in the Absence of Colo William Holland) at-
tended by the rest of the members of this House Waite of his
Excellency the Governor and present to his Excellency their Answer
to his most favourable Speech to both Houses of Assembly in the
Council Chamber at the opening of the Session which is as follows
To His Excellency Benedict Leonard Calvert Governor and Com-
mander in chief in and over the Province of Maryld
The humble Address of the Upper House of Assembly
May it please your Excellency
The many Instances we have already had of your Excellencys
tender regard for the Prosperity of this his Lordships Province of
Maryland increased by the present Assurances you have been pleased
to give us in your most favourable Speech to both Houses of As-
sembly at the opening of this Session justly merits our Unfeigned
thanks and inspires us with firm resolutions to use our utmost en-
deavours for preserving the Sovereignity of the Crown the Govern-
ment of the Lord Proprietary and the Common Welfare of the peo-
ple so as to promote your Excellencys further Satisfaction and a
general Tranquillity
The Assurance his Lordship hath been pleased to direct your
Excellency to give us of his Aversion to any difference with his
Tenants we Gratefully Accept, and in return to such a Condescend-
ing Declaration think ourselves obliged to a strict Conformity of
our duty and in all respects to demean ourselves so to his Lordship
as not to give any just occasion to discompose so obliging a disposi-
And as by the Act prescribing the Oath of Justice to which his
Lordship has been pleased to disassent) we never intended anything
that should reflect on the Crown or affect his Majestys Royal pre-
rogative either in respect to his Sovereign power or the Charter to
the Lord Proprietary both which we think ourselves Obliged in-
violably to preserve so if we have been so unhappy as to use any
Expressions in that Act which will bear a Construction so Contrary
to our Intentions upon being made sensible thereof we shall readily
retract, Alter and Amend them in such manner as shall be satisfac-
tory to his Lordship and your Excellency and suitable to the Royal
Charter and the rights customs and usages of this Province which
his Lordship in so obliging a manner has expressed his good Incli-
nations to preserve to us and our posterity.