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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1724-1726
Volume 35, Page 419   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 419

Tenants and then we hope Your Lordship will not Suffer
any Alterations to be made by the opinions or Resolutions of

12 We are glad to find Your Lordship has taken Notice
of our Debates Concerning the Allowance Claim'd by Your
Lordship's Council of State. If on our Side of the Argument
Moderation was Wanting, Yet we hope Your Lordship found
good Reason there: for we therein agreed as we do now that
they deserve their Reward; But for that Ample Provision
was made by the Act that Rais'd the Twelve Pence p hhd
and as it was annually Rais'd by that duty it ought not to be
annually Levy'd by poll tax againe upon the People. Your
Lordship is pleas'd to mention that act as Raising the Twelve
pence p hhgd towards the Maintaining the Dignity and Sta-
tion of Your Lieu' Governour, and for such other uses as to
you should seem meet, But now we begg Your Lordship to be
Inform'd, that the Act it Self Mentions it otherwise Viz:
That in the Absence of the Lord Proprietary himself out of
this province one Shilling &c: to be applyed towards the main-
taining the Station and Dignity of his Lordships Lievt Gov-
ernour Actually Inhabiting and Residing within this prov-
ince and to such other Necessary Uses towards the Support
and Defence of the Lord Proprietary's Government of this
Province, as In his Lordship's Wisdom to him shall seem
meet. If therefore your Lordship pleases to deduct the
present Support You allow Your Lievt here from the Totall
amount of that Duty Annually, Your Lordship will Un-
doubtedly Find a Large Residue, which in our humble Opin-
ion ought by the Express terms of the Act to be apply'd to
other Necessary Uses of Government; and by Comparing this
paragraph with the Next paragraph before it in the Act,
Your Lordship will find the Intent of the act plain, that no
part of it was Intended for Your Lordships Private use, and
we know not how 'tis otherwise apply'd, tho we hope your
Lordship will allow it to be our Right and Duty to Enquire
into the Applications of all Sums that are tax'd upon us.
Your Lordship Rightly observes that at the making the
Act it was not so much as surmis'd that their (the Coun-
selors) support should Come from you. The Support we
speak of do's not come from You but from the Country on
whom tis Rais'd, and as for any Reasons that might have
mov'd your Lordship to Dissent to that act, they Rest with
Your Lordship But if your Lordship had Dissented to it, we
should have born it patiently, on the Consolation of our having
acted like Loyall Hearty Subjects, that had Offered to Raise
an honourable and plentifull Revenue for the Support of the
Government we liv'd under, but that it was Rejected. This

L. H. J.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1724-1726
Volume 35, Page 419   View pdf image (33K)
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