L. H. J.
Could have fix'd no Blame upon us, but what we well might
Dear. As to the other part of that act which Your Lordship
seems to Speak of, when you are pleas'd to say, You know
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what you part with by it, But that you are Contented since
you have allow'd it for the Common Good, We very Grate-
fully Acknowledge your Lordships kind Intentions in parting
with (what you Suppose to be) Your Interest by that Act,
for the Common Good, but as your Lordship seems to think
it for the Common Good we hope your Lordships Share of it
Sufficiently answers for what you part with by it, of which
Your Lordship will be more fully Convinced by Comparing
your Revenue of two Shillings arising from that Act either
with the profits of your Ancestors or with an unaugmented
view of what Could possibly be Rais'd from Your Lordships
present Roll, when you have the Calculation from such hands
as are Unprejudic'd, and without Byass in the Matter, and
when all Unavoydable Defalcations and Charges are De-
ducted. This we humbly offer to Your Lordship as an In-
ducement to you to look into Your own Interest, and we
Earnestly begg you will do so, that you may not be led into
Mistakes, by those that Consult their own while they pretend
Your Lordships, and this we rather Importune Your Lord-
ship to, that you may Judge for your Self Concerning the Con-
tract depending betwixt us; and we assure Your Lordship
we shall be very Easy in the Consequence, Be it what You
And now if your Lordship pleases to Number the Para-
graphs of Your Speech from one to twelve, in order you will
find each paragraph Answer'd and we hope Satisfactorily by
the Paragraphs of this Address that have like numbers in the
And we begg Your Lordships further Patience to hear
us on this Subject, this most Important Subject to Your Self
and us; tis the Rights and Liberties of a whole Country we
treat of, and in favour of Your Lordships Real Honour and
true Interest therein which we take to be much more Con-
cern'd in the Increasing the Real Value of Your property than
in the Support of a Mistaken Grandeur in Government, and
that Your Lordships Honour in Governing a free people, a
Colony of his Majesties Subjects, Easy in their Fortunes and
in their Liberties and Properties secure would be more truly
Great than in Governing a poor Distress'd and servile People
discourag'd in their Labours and Doubtfull of their Laws
tho' Your Government over them were as absolute as Your
To proceed therefore we begg Leave to Resume the Sub-
ject of your Lordships Eleventh Paragraph, where Your