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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1724-1726
Volume 35, Page 418   View pdf image (33K)
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418 Assembly Proceedings, October 6-November 6, 1725.

L. H. J.

Oppos'd we shall give Your Lordship no Cause to think us
Turbulent or Troublesome.

May it Please Your Lordship.
7. 8. 9 10. We doubt not his Most Gracious Majtys Goodness
and Justice to any of his Plantations, nor but that what he has
done in the Case of Jamaica, mention'd by Your Lordship has
been by Wise and Good Counsels ( May your Lordship always
proceed in Your Administration by the Like) But as the Trade
Scituation Climate Soyle and Constitution of Jamaica are
Widely Different from ours, So perhaps may be their Laws
and the Institution of their Government. His Majesties
Great Goodness in Dissenting to their Act, Lest it should
hurt them by Introducing Laws they never had Expe-
rienc'd, that might be Inconvenient to them, seems Vastly
Different from what Your Lordship Offers as a parity Viz:
Excluding us from the Benefit of those Laws we have always
had and Experienc'd with Satisfaction as Inseperable from
our Constitution. They attempt an Alteration of their Con-
stitution by bringing the Statutes of England amongst them
as it seems by what Your Lordship tells us; we Insist on pre-
serving our Constitution by keeping the Statutes of England
amongst us in the same Manner we have always had them.
We hope Your Lordship sees the Difference. Your Lordship
had been very fortunate in Using Words in Your Instruc-
tions so agreeable to his Majesties, had they been apply'd like
his But his Majesties are to allow Jamaica to Introduce such
Statutes of England as they had not, if he should think them
Reasonable. Your Lordships in Effect, are, that we should
Enact de novo Statutes Enacted for us ab antique, in order
to Introduce them here which always have been here, and You
are pleas'd to add, It would be happy for us all to Conduct our
selves accordingly. We submitt this to Your Lordships fur-
ther Consideration.
11. And your Lordship is pleas'd in the Eleventh para-
graph of Your Speech Communicated to us to give an Absit
to your Attempting any Alteration of such Laws Rules Cus-
tomes and Usages as are undoubted Certain Constantly ad-
hered to and known amongst us unless for the Common good
at our Request in General Assembly, and as by the Re-
solves of the Late Assembly agreed to unanimously by both
Houses and again unanimously agreed to by this present
New Elected House, and by other Publick Proceedings,
Your Lordship has been apprised what those Laws Cus-
tomes and Usages are, we hope Your Lordship will Re-
quire no further Satisfaction on this point if you are but

p. 115

pleas'd to give any Credit to the Representatives of Your

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1724-1726
Volume 35, Page 418   View pdf image (33K)
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