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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1724-1726
Volume 35, Page 417   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 417

Both, and we find it to our happiness we have a Right to En-
joy such English Statutes as Suit our Constitution, and a
Right also with your Lordships Assent to make Laws of our
own Instead of such as do not. What Cause we have given
your Lordship to Suppose us fond of a Word we Cannot
Imagine. It must Needs proceed from Misapprehension, for
we Assure Your Lordship we are not fond of the Word
precarious, nor like any thing the Better for its Being so,
and we begg your Lordship will give us Leave so far to Judge
for our Selves as to pursue and persist in what we our Selves
account our happiness, Rather than what your Lordship is
pleas'd to Call so. We Esteem the Conditions and terms of
the Royall Charter to be happy Rules of Government and our
Opinions and the opinions of our Ancestors, that they were
so, was what Induc'd them and us to Accept of those Con-
ditions, to whose Improvements and Industry your Lordship
now owes the present fruits you Reap from your Proprie-
taryship and Government, and we begg your Lordship to Con-
sider that your putting us in mind of the Happy Condition the
Crown by Your Charter hath thought fitt to place us under
which we ought Quietly to Submitt to is not an agreeable way
of treating those you are oblig'd to for the Successes of your
Province. It was no Bounty in the Crown to place us here,
unless We had not deserved Longer to Live in England, and
that English Liberties were given us here, when we had for-
feited our Right to them there. This Indeed would have
been a Bounty and very well have admitted a propriety in the
Expression you Use That the Crown thought fitt to place us
under. But we take leave to observe that the Crown had no
Right to give us other Conditions then in Common with our
fellow Subjects, nor to place us here or Elsewhere but by our
own Consents, and we hope you will not take it Ill that we
again Remind Your Lordship, we are his Majesties Subjects
and have Equall Right with others to Breath British Air; and
that Your Lordships prerogatives and Your Tenants Priv-
iledges are both dependant on the same Royall Grant, And
that Your Lordship and we are both Subjects to one just and
Gracious Prince who will not Countenance the abuse of his
People in the Remotest Corner of his Dominions, and there-
fore we Begg Your Lordship will give Your Secretary Better
Impressions of us than to treat us so much like Men that owe
their Lives and Liberties only to Your Charter. We begg

L. H. J.

Your Lordship to be persuaded that we shall quietly Submitt
to Everything we ought to Submitt to, but we Cannot Promise
further. We only Contend for the Preservation of our Con-
stitution and to be Govern'd According to the same Rules of
Government as our Predecessors were, and if this be not


p. 114

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1724-1726
Volume 35, Page 417   View pdf image (33K)
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