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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 723   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Lower House. 723

tary of this province and severally Endorseing them as fol-
lows viz.
Octobr the 26th 1723.
On the behalf of the Right Honrble the Lord Propry of this
Province I will this be a Law.
Cha. Calvert.

No 6. An Engrost Bill to prevent the great evills ariseing
by the Importation of Convicts into this province and for the
better Discovery of such when Imported
No 7. An Engrost Bill for the relief of John Mackenzie of
Talbot County.
8. An Engrost Bill for the ease of the Inhabitants in ex-
amining evidences relateing to the bounds of Lands and in
the manner of obtaining Injunctions.
9. An Engrost Bill for the Relief of George Robins of
Talbot County Gent.
10. An Engrost bill for the relief of William Jarvis and
William Griffith Languishing prisoners in Calvert County,
11. An Engrost Bill repealing such part of an Act of As-
sembly Entituled an Act for Laying an Imposition on Severall
Commodities Exported out of this province, as relates to the
Laying an Impost or Duty on ffurrs and Skins only and for
Laying an Imposition on pork pitch and Tarr in lieu thereof.
12. An Engrost Bill for the Advancement of Justice.
13. An Engrost Bill for vesting and settling an Estate of
Inheritance in ffee simple of and in a Certain parcell or Lott
of ground in the City of Annapolis Containing one hundred
and Twenty feet in Length formerly by an Act of Assembly
of this province Confirm'd to Robert Johnson of Ann Arun-
dell County Ship Carpenter Deced on Robert Gordon of the
City of Annapolis Merchant as also for vesting and Settling
an Estate of Inheritance in ffee Simple of and in a Certain
Sand Bank that Intersects a Tenement of Land possest by the
said Robert Gordon and the Creek on the said Robert Gordon
his heirs and Assigns for Ever.
14. An Engrost Bill for the relief of Elizabeth Major of
Prince Georges County by Empowering her notwithstanding
her Coverture to Lease for her life the Lands therein men-
15. An Engrost Supplementary Bill to An Act Entituled
an Act Declareing the Right of three Lotts Orriginally Laid
out in Annapolis for the uses therein mentioned.
16. An Engrost Bill to prevent the Tumultuous Meetings
and other Irregularities of negroe and Other Slaves.

L. H. J.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 723   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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