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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 724   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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724 Assembly Proceedings, September 23-October 26, 1723.


17. An Engrost Bill to punish Blasphemers Swearers
Drunkards and Sabath breakers and for repealing the Laws
heretofore made for the punishing such Offenders.

p. 116 (bis)

18. An Engrost Bill directing the manner of the recovery
of Fines for not Appearing at the Clearing of the High
19. An Engrost Bill for the quieting the Possessions of
the Indians Inhabiting in Nanticoak and Choptanck Rivers.
20. An Engrost Bill for the Encouragement of Learning
and Erecting Schools in the severall Counties within this
21. An Engrost Bill for relief of Ann Arundell County
and all persons Concern'd in the Records thereof heretofore
22. An Engrost Bill giving Encouragement to make hemp
within this province.
23. An Engrost Bill for the relief of Thomas Turner of
Charles County Gent, Christopher Belrose, Thomas Cobb,
John Gould, Thomas Beezley and John Ferrell of Ann Arun-
dell County, John Beldom, and John Hanley of Calvert
County, Joseph Gough, of Queen Anns County, and John
Clements of Dorchester County Languishing prisoners.
24. An Engrost Bill for the Tryall of all matters of fact
in the Severall Counties where they have arisen or shall arise,
the Continuance of Causes in the Provintiall Court and Ad-
journment of that Court.
25. An Engrost Bill reviveing and Continueing an Act
Entituled an Act for Limitation of Officers ffees and for
Supplying some Defects therein.
26. An Engrost Bill for the payment and Assessment of
the publick Charge of this province for this present year 1723
and for Confirming the Journall of the Levey in the year
After which his Honr the Governour was pleas'd to Express
him in the following words viz :

Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly
I am heartily Sorry that this Session hath been of so long
Continuance, but hope the Laws made therein will make
Ample Amends to the good people for the Expence

Gentlemen of the Lower House.
I Cannot Conclude this Session without Observing to you
how much his Lordship will be Surprised at your Endeavour-
ing to Load his Revenue, with the Charge of Maintaining the

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 724   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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