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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 721   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Lower House. 721

Speaker the Bill for Reviveing the Act for regulateing or-
dinarys thus Endorst viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly Octobr 26th 1723
Read and will pass.
Sign'd p Order Sam Skippon Cl. Up. Ho.

Thereupon the same past for Engrossing.
An Engrost Bill for reviveing the Act for regulateing Or-
dinaries, was read and Assented to and was so Endorst and
sent to the Upper House by Capt Hooper and Mr Elliot.
They return and say they Delivered it.
Colo Holland from the Upper House Delivers Mr Speaker
the following message viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly

Octobr the 26. 1723
We Concurr with you in your Message this Day by Mr Dent
and Mr Traverse.
Sign'd p Ordr Saml Skippon Cl Up. ho.

L. H. J.

A Bill for laying the publick Levey for the year 1723 was
read the first and second times by Especiall Order and past
which was so Endorst and Sent to the Upper House by Mr
Wright and Capt Hooper.
They return and say they delivered it.
Resolved that Mr Hill and Mr Beale be Appointed of this
House to Joyn some of the Members of the Upper House in
order to Lay the Levey.
And thereupon the following Message is prepared viz.

By the Lower house of Assembly. Octobr the 26th 1723
May it please Your Honours
We have Appointed Mr Joseph Hill and John Beale Esqr
two of the members of this House to be Joynd with some of
the Members of your House in a Committee to Apportion the
publick Levy for this year.
Sign'd p Order M. Jenifer Cl Lo. Ho.

1 The Act for Limitation of Officers' Fees was apparently intended. (See
page 588, supra.) The Act for Regulating Ordinaries was signed September 28th.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 721   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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