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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 720   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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720 Assembly Proceedings, September 23-October 26, 1723.

L. H. J,

at our Allowances? or what provision is there more for us
now, then if no such Law had been ever made as that which
you referr us unto, in which we are not so much as mentioned
nor Included within the Intention thereof?
But if, in your Opinion, Gent, there be any certain provision
made for us, which we know nothing of, it had been much
more Agreeable to us, and much more becomeing the Lower
House to have pointed out to us such provision, that we might
have profited ourselves thereby, than to have Employed your
time in writing a Satyr upon our Just Proceedings; in [ relation ]
to which we shall [only] let you see that as we have the Supe-
riority in our House, we Resolve by our disregard of your
Abuses to Entitle ourselves to it in good manners also, and so
we shall referr all further debate upon the Head of our Allow-
ances untill another Session.
Signd p Order Sam Skippon Cl. Up. Ho.

Whereupon it is resolved by this House that the Refference
proposed be not Assented to by this House.
A Bill Reviveing the Act for Limitation of Officers ffees
and for Supplying some Defects therein was read the first
and Second times by Especiall Order and past which was so
Endorst and sent to the Upper House by Colo Mackall and Mr
They Return and Say they Delivered it.
The following message is prepared viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly. Octobr the 26th 1723.
May it please your Honours
We desire to know whether your Honours will be pleas'd
to Joyn with us in makeing Allowances to the Severall Mem-
bers and Officers belonging to both Houses in money for
the Tobacco due to them at the rate of ten Shillings Currt
money p hundred for the time they have Attended since the
Closeing the Journall of the Committee of Accounts, with
which if your Honours agree the Committee for Laying the
publick Levy may make them Accordingly
Signd p Ordr M. Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.

Which was sent to the Upper House by Mr Dent and Mr
They return and Say they delivered it.
Philemon Lloyd Esqr from the Upper House Delivers Mr

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 720   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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