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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 719   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Lower House. 719

to treated & should still treat you with did you use us as
Creatures rationall; But when we see you Shake of all Re-
spect, except in what you respectfully promise but never
perform Viz. to Endeavour to End the Sessions, we may be
well Allowed to treat you with that plainess that is due to the
Impositions offered us, and for Avoiding such Other plain
but proper usage as perhaps may give you further pretences
of Complaining of our freedom we desire you will rest Satis-
f yed with our Late Conclusions which no necessitys shall Ever
Oblige us to depart from.
Sign'd p order M Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.

Which was sent to the Upper House by Mr Beale and five
others. They return and say they Delivered it.
Colo Addison and Colo Tilghman from the Upper House
Deliver Mr Speaker the Journall of the Committee of Ac-
counts Endorst viz.

Octobr 26th 1723.
Read and Assented to by the Upper House of Assembly
Saveing to our selves all Rights to Claim the usuall Allow-
ances heretofore made to us as a Councill of State and Omit-
ted in this Journall any other thing past in this Session to
the Contrary notwithstanding.

And also Deliver the following Message viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly.

Octobr the 26th 1723.

We shall not Enter into the Debate with you whether you
be in your senses or no, but this we may very justly affirm,
that any man in his wits may read the plain English of your
Message of Yesterday viz that the whole Revenue applyed to
the Governour, left no Room for the Councill and this, as you
laid down for a Rule made it reasonable to Allow them
wages out of the Publick, there being as you Alledge no pro-
vision made for them. This rule, you say, the former Assem-
bly walkt by, and by the same rule it is, that we are willing to
be governed now; and Affirm from the terms of the message
aforesaid that there is now no more room for the Councill

L. H.J.

than at those times, when the same Allowances, which we
now Claim, were thought Reasonable For in that message you
Acknowledge that no restraint can be laid upon his Lpp by the
terms of the Act; how then, or by what means shall we come

p. 114

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 719   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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