718 Assembly Proceedings, September 23-October 26, 1723.
L. H. J.
a warning to future Assemblies to prevent their giving way
to wrongfull and unjust Taxations, and let them know that
whenever they once do so, such Taxations will be demanded
as things due of Common Right and that must either be given
up or the people put to Excessive Charge in the Vindication
of their Just Rights.
It is very Surprizing to us to hear again in this Last Mes-
sage that there is no Other provision than the Allowance now
Claim'd when your Honrs as well as this House must un-
doubtedly be Acquainted that the Law for twelve pence p
hhd so Often mentioned makes a provision and your not receiv-
ing the Benefit of that provision can never Justify us in As-
sessing that again on the people, which they've already paid ;
we hope never to be such unjust Stewards to those we Repre-
sent or Instead of Insisting on their Just Rights as in duty
we are Obliged, be Instrumentall in their being unjustly
burthened and Oppressed.
We Agree that the running the Country to great Charge
by unnecessary Messages is worthy our Consideration and we
are as farr concern'd for it as faithfull Representatives of
the people ought to be, but we can't at the same time but reflect
with Satisfaction that The Share we have in those messages,
is not of our Own Choice, But that we are reduced to the
necessity of bearing the same or to betray our Country, which
we are fully determined not to be Guilty of and we hope the
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Journalls of this Assembly will evince to posterity, And As-
cribe all the unnecessary Charge and Delay of Business this
Session to the true Authors of it.
May it please your Honours.
We doubt not but Long e'er this you have been Acquainted
with our Late Humble Address to his Honour the Govern-
our and his Kind Indulging Answer thereto, from which it
plainly Appears to us, that the prolonging this Sessions and
Consequently the Increase of the Countrys Charge is wholly
Caused by you in favour of your Small personall Interest in
a Temporary Claim by which it is undenyably evident how
ready you are for so small a Trifle where Self is Concerned to
burthen the province and prostitute its Interest to Latest
posterity, even tho as we before reminded you in order to
obtain it you make use of a method of treating us by Argueing
fallaciously and useing us with Indecencies unbecomeing your
House to Offer, or ours to bear and therefore think it seems
but too plain that you are pleas'd to use that Superiority you
Lately valued yourselves upon to us as a Commission to Insult
us; which lessens that tenderness and respect We have hither-