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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 717   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Lower House. 717

mer times Viz. that there is no provision for the Councill in
the Act; and Certainly the same reason will hold good, as
prevailed in former times viz. that the Councill should have a
reasonable Allowance out of the publick.
The presidents of former Assemblys in the Like Cases,
being wholly on our side ever since the time of the Revolution
we cannot help Expressing our Surprize that the Lower
House should Impose so ungratefull a Task upon us, as to
Apply to his Lordship for the Support of the publick Charge
out of his own Revenue or Otherwise to subject our Just
Rights for services done the Country to the mere will and

L. H. J.

pleasure of the Lord Proprietary, who as you Confess is under
no manner of Restraint to pay his Councill, and as there is
no other provision made for the Councill, this House must
still Insist upon haveing the reasonable and Customary Al-
lowances, and thereby put an End to this Long and Expensive
Signd p Order Saml Skippon Cl Up Ho.

In Answer whereto the following Message is prepared

By the Lower House of Assembly. Octr 26th 1723.
May it please Your Honours
In Answer to your Message this day by Coll Holland and
two Other of your Members we are at a Loss to know by what
part of our Message of the twenty fifth Instant, we have Ac-
knowledged your Allowances to have been both reasonable
and Customary so as to give your Honours the least Colour
for the Consequence you are pleas'd to draw from that mes-
sage viz. that those allowances are now Just. [Certain] we are
that there is nothing Contained in that message or our
Intentions to warrant such an Inference. We have indeed
Agreed that such Allowances have been made by Vertue of
Laws formerly in force, but that that should Continue after
the Repeale of those Laws is [a notion] too ridiculous to pre-
vaile with us or any people in their Senses.
We must with regret confess that some late Assemblys have
Agreed to the Allowances your Honours now Claim, altho
no better founded than at present, We Apprehend, for want
of duely Considering the Alteration the repeal of the former
Laws and makeing the present provision by the Act now in
force for Settling the Revenue made in the Case which un-
happy as well as Illegall Concessions, are (tho but poor ones)
the foundations of the present unsupportable publick expence
and intolerable Fatigue to our Selves, which we hope, will be

P. 112

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 717   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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