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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 714   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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714 Assembly Proceedings, September 23-October 26, 1723.

L. H.J.

Thereupon the following Address is prepared viz:

By the Lower House of Assembly

Octobr the 25th 1723
To the Honble Charles Calvert Esqr Governour of Mary-

The Humble Address of the Lower House of Assembly
now Sitting.

May it please your Honour.
As we look upon your Honour to be the Last Recourse we
can have here in quest of Justice in our parliamentary pro-
ceedings, We therefore make it our Humble Suit to your
Honour that since we have been sitting nigh this week at the
Country's Expence, and to our Own great fatigue without
haveing anything new proposed to us from the Honrble the
Upper House and being Under daily Expectation of haveing
the Sessions concluded we could not proceed to any thing new
in our own house, Lest such proceedings should be Interrupted
by such Conclusion we haveing room given us to believe it
might be hourly Expected and for as much as it is our real
Opinions from the best Observations we Can make that the
Honourable Upper House Endeavours to Impede or at least
Delay the putting an End to this unnecessary and Excessive
Charge by Insisting on Matters wherein themselves are In-
terested and pretending to Continue Arguments thereon tho

p. 110

they are driven to the necessity of repeating and new dressing
their Old ones, Instead of Offering new, after they have had
the Resolutions of this House frequently repeated to them
that we could not even for duty and Conscience Sake Comply
with their Demands where by it seems as if they Endeavoured
to Inforce us to Submitt to their bad reasoning as by a Kind
of Duress; which we are firmly resolved we will never do,
unless our Consciences can be Satisfyed of the Right of their
We therefore Humbly Pray your Honr that you will be
favourably pleased to Interpose your Authority and to Dis-
miss us either by prorogation Disolution or Adjournment, as
to your Honour shall seem meet; unless your Honour shall
think fit to propose any matter your self that you may think
proper which we shall Ever pay all Due regard to and Shew
your Honour how much we are,
Your faithfull Dutifull and obedient Servants
Sign'd p Order of the Lower House
R. Ungle, Speaker.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 714   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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