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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 713   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Lower House. 713

Consists as we Understand it of no Other Matter than first,
the same pretendd reasons you gave us in your former Mes-
sages, Secondly of Rhetoricall florid Expressions to grace
those pretended reasons and thirdly of reproaching us with
your own mistaken manner of treating us. The second and
third of these your and our Journalls, which you so Often
Appeal to be the Evidence; and Let any Impartiall reader
Judge We are resolved not to be lead from our Country's
Business by any thing you shall Offer to divert us, nor take
farther notice of the manner wherein you are pleas'd to dress
your reasonings, in your Last Essay, save that we think your
former Messages exprest your Intent with Elegance and
Conciseness and this Late one with Less of those and much
more prolixity and Circumlocution
We therefore Again (in your Method) Repeat our Conclu-
sion that the Acts you Insist on to Support your Claims are
and Long since were all repealed That the Custom you Insist
on has no foundation for the reasons we have Already Shewn
in our former Messages, and because the Journalls you last


Quote in your favour were in 1696 & 1697 when the Acts
in being that settled the revenue settled the whole revenue
for the Support of Government one whereof in the Russet
Coverd Book of Laws fo: 117 is Entituled an Act for Settle-
ment of an Annuall Revenue on their Majestys Governour of
this province for the time being Anno 1692 Another Act of
the same purport and title Anno 1699 in the Large Vellum
Law Book fo: 30; by these Acts there was no room left for the
Councill but the whole Applyed to the Govrs Support This
made it reasonable to Allow them wages out of the publick
there being no other provision for them; but by the Act for
Settling the Revenue now in force, there is room left and
plain provision made for them, if his [Lpp] pleases to Apply
it so; if not we can lay no restraint on him and your Honours
may more properly Apply to him on this Occasion than we
We therefore again tell your Honours we are Convinced in our
Consciences you have neither Law nor reasonable Custom to
Support your Claims, and that we will not Act Contrary to
this Conviction, on any Consideration whatever, let the Con-
sequence be what it will.
Signd p Ordr M Jenifer Cl. Lo. Ho.

Which was sent to the Upper House by Mr Tyler and five
They return and say they Delivered it.
On a motion being made, it is Resolved that his Honr the
Governour be Addressed to put an End to this Sessions

p. 109

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 713   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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