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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 715   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Lower House. 715

Which was sent to his Honr the Governour by Colo Mackall
and Eleven Other members.
They return and Say they Delivered it.
Mr Speaker Communicates to this House the following
Letter from his Honour the Governour viz :

Mr Speaker.
I desire you'l please to Acquaint your House that I return
them my sincere thanks for the great regard they Express for
any thing that shall Come from me to your House. I have
nothing to Lay before them, and am heartily Sorry that any
misunderstanding has arose between the two Houses, nothing
shall be wanting in me to Accomodate this Difference and will
put a Speedy End to this Sessions if your House doeth not
proceed on further Business.
Cha: Calvert

Octobr 25th 1723.
To the Honrble Robt Ungle Esqr Speaker of the Lower
House of Assembly

The House Adjourns till to morrow Morning nine of the

Saturday Octobr 26th
The House meets According to Adjournment.
Yesterdays proceedings are read.
Colo Holland and two Others from the Upper House De-
liver Mr Speaker the following message viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly Octobr 25th 1723
As it was not the Design of this House, to prolong this
Sessions, by giving you Occasion of Coments, or by Enlarge-
ing our Last Message farther than was necessary for our
Own Justification; we shall now purposely avoid any thing
that may give you an handle to Disputes that are foreign to
our present Debate between the two Houses, and do Assure
you Likewise that we are so farr from Designing to Divert
you from the Countrys Business, that we shall very readily
Embrace Every Opportunity which you shall Lay before us of
Acting for a Publick good in Compensation of the very great
Expences which the Country is now put to by your refuseing
to make those Allowances which in your Message of this day

L. H. J.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 715   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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