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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 712   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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712 Assembly Proceedings, September 23-October 26, 1723.

L. H. J.

Allowance of One hundred and fifty pounds of Tobacco, p
Diem was [well] settled.
Now Gentlemen, seeing that our Right to An Allowance
or Sallary, Call it which you please, is so Clearly made out
to you, both by the Journalls of former Assemblys, And the
practice of later times, wherein we have been always paid
our Allowances by the Country, it cannot any Longer remain

p. 108

a Question in your House, whether we ought to have any Al-
lowances or no? altho it seems to us that another Question
may arise among you, as the result thereof, that is whether we
should be paid by my Lord proprietary out of the twelve pence
p hhd or by the Country as heretofore ? It seems to us that
the Act of Assembly by which the Revenue of this province
is now Established, that the twelve pence p hhd raised towards
the maintaining the Station and Dignity of his Lordships
Governour &c hath put that money so farr into his Lordships
power, that we Cannot have the Least Expectation that he
will be pleas'd to part with Any of it to us, seeing that at the
time of raising it, we were paid by the Country.
Moreover his Lordship who hath Exprest a great Deal of
Generosity and good will to this province, upon some Im-
portant Occasions, must Look upon it as a very ungenerous
Surprize, to find his revenue, after the passing the Act, to be
now Incumbered with Charges which ever since the Revo-
lution have been defray'd by the Country, and are as unknown
as unexpected by him. And [what] will still make them the
more Surpriseing is, that his Lordship will not find Upon the
Journalls of either of the Houses the Least mention thereof.
Wherefore we desire you will Consider better of it, and put
an End to the Session by makeing us the Just and Customary
Sign'd p Order Saml Skippon Cl Up Ho.

The House Adjourns till to Morrow Morning nine of the

Friday Octobr 25th
The House Meets According to Adjournment.
Yesterdays proceedings are read.
The following Message is prepared viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly. Octr 25th 1723.
May it please Your Honours
Your Message of the 24thh Instant by Colo Young and two
others seems rather to require a Coment than an answer and

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 712   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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