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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 711   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Lower House. 711

it Appears that the Councellors were paid the Sallaries pur-
suant to the Act the Latter End of the year 1694 The Like
payments Appear upon the Journall of 1695 and more particu-
larly Exprest to be paid According to Act of Assembly in

We must tell you Likewise, that we think ourselves very
much wronged in the Charge of Insinuating things that might
Lead you into wrong notions of the Acts: for there being
no Other fund for the payment of the Councellors Sallaries
than the Impost Act of four pence p Gallon Laid in 1692 the
Legislature took Care upon the repeale of the Act to Con-
clude those Salleries in the Impost Act of 1694 as it is very
Evidently made to you already by the Sundry payments An-
nually made to them out of the Impost Duty but we wish for
the sake of that good Correspondence which is necessary to
be preserved Between the two Houses, that you had not given
us Just grounds of bringing the same Charge against your
House, when you would Insinuate to us because in Assembly
time we are Allowed one hundred and fifty pounds of Tobacco
p Diem and no more that therefore we are precluded from
our Claims on Account of Other Services We are very Confi-
dent that many of the members of your House would not be
well pleased to be tyed down by such a Construction, which
is indeed too puerile and Ludicrous to take up any more of our
time We therefore wave it, as we have Done other things, to
Lett you see our good Dispositions to make an Amiable Con-
clusion of this Sessions.
Gentlemen, we take these payments made by the Assembly
to be so many incontestable proofs of the Design of that Act,
in the words such publick Services, which we Can, with a
great Deal of Justice, say is no forced Construction, it being
made Sacred as to your House, by the Sanction of a Resolve ;
wherein it Appears that the Country did not Only pay the
Councellours Allowances at the Day (Viz) October the 2d
1696, But Resolved that such payments were made According
to Act of Assembly. We must further Observe to you, Gent,
that it was a very hard Task laid upon our House to trace
the first growth and progress of the Councills Allowances;
which being made by the Country for more than thirty years
past, Upon Consideration, that the twelve pence p hhd out of
which the Councellors were paid in the Lord Proprietarys time,
hath been Intirely Applyed to such Other uses as Leaves no
room for the payment of the Councill Otherways than by the
Country, which they were perfectly apprized of, and therefore
paid their Allowance by the Impost upon Liquors untill the
year 1697 that it was resolved by the Lower House that such

L. H. J.

P. 107

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 711   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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