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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 707   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Lower House. 707

Plot and your Deliverance from the Consequence of it, which
we now heartily do With Thanks for the blessings we Enjoy
by this so happy a prevention of all the Temporall miseries
that Could be well Immagined.
We bless Heaven for the pleasing Prospect We Still have
of the Continuance of your Majestys Health, preservation
and prosperity, as the Only Temporall means of preserving
to us our religious and Civill Rights and propertys, which we
pray the same Heaven Long to Continue to your Majesty,
And that the throne of great Brittain may never want an
heir of your Descent to perpetuate the Like happy prospects
[to us] and Latest posterity.
We Implore your Most Sacred Majestys Gracious Accept-
ance of this Our most Humble Congratulatory Address, and
that According to [our] Steady Loyalty to your Majesty and
Strict adherence to your most Illustrious House we may
always be regarded by your Majesty and Esteem [ed] as of the
number of
May it please your Majesty
Your Majestys most Dutifull
most Loyall and most Faithfull
Subjects And Servants.

Colo Young and two Others from the Upper House Deliver
Mr Speaker the following Message Viz

By the Upper House of Assembly
Octobr the 24th 1723.
It seems to have been the wisdom of the Legislature, when
Assembled for the makeing of such wholesome Laws and
Ordinances, as may Conduce to the Publick good of the
Country, to Cultivate with the greatest Care Immaginable
a good understanding between the two Houses by Carrying

L. H. J.

on all their Debates, and Generally all Matters in Dispute,
Calmly and with good manners; least some unreasonable
Resentments at the mode of proceedings, might Interrupt the
more weighty Business of the Government. And whether this
House has pursued those Steps or no, your own Journalls
wherein our Severall Messages are Recorded will Answer for
Us; but, Gentlemen, give us leave to tell you with a plainness
that becomes the Superiority of our House, that we have a
great deal to Complain of upon that head. The thing now ir
Dispute between the two houses, is Concerning Civill Right
and Altho that right which the Journalls of your Own House
Evidently makes Appear to be Justly ours hath been Denyed

p. 104

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 707   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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