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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 708   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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708 Assembly Proceedings, September 23-October 26, 1723.

L. H. J.

us by Sundry Messages from you; yet have we proceeded in
All things According to the rule allready Laid Down: and
have Endeavour'd by the proper ways of Conferring with your
House to bring you to reason. But notwithstanding your
Sentiments are so much different from ours yet have we not
by any illegall use of our power, nor by any false Insinuations
Attempted to Surprise you or to bring you over to our oppin-
ions, however Just and reasonable we our Selves may think
them to be. We have proceeded in the usuall Methods practised
between the two houses and thereby have done our parts
towards preserving a perfect Confidence and good Under-
standing between your House & Ours: which you seem to
have forgot, If we may Judge of your Sentiments by the
Matter Contained in your Message by Mr Crabb and five
Others. For notwithstanding that you have refused to make
us the Customary Allowances, for attending as a Councill
of State, yet have we not failed in the point of Charity and
good Manners, tho greatly provoked thereto as believeing
your Deniall proceeded rather from a principle of Justice to
your Country, then from any resolution of Denying us that
which You Yourselves once thought to be our Just right.
Whilst you, we must be free to tell you, for want of those
good Dispositions, with an UnCharitable Construction upon
the manner of our Claims, Load us with the Sin of Calumny,
and as treating you in a manner Unworthy of our House, which
in your Opinion, as it is insinuated in your Message, we ought
to Decline with Abhorrence We must Confess that we have
Always been ready and Willing to be advised by the Lower
House in Matters that regard the publick good, but as to
Acts of Abhorrence, we must let you know, that they ought
rather to Come up from your House, where the founda-
tion of them was first Laid by an Unparliamentary and Un-
presidented Charge Against us as Acting unworthy of our
House, when we Insisted barely on a Matter of right, which
the Journalls and former proceedings of both Houses do

P. 105

Sufficiently Justifye us in, and prove Evidently that the Un-
worthy Acts of this Sessions ought not to be Laid at our
Gentlemen we are still of Opinion that our Claims, as a
Councill of State, are founded in Law and good Conscience

without the necessity of Coining up to those better Conclu-
sions which you Expect from [us. For it seems by your Mes-
sage of the 15th Instant that the proceedings of] your Own
house are grounded on Mistakes which Insensibly wound
Our happy Constitution, that hath made a provision of
Councellours for the Aid and greater securety of Princes

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 708   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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