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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 706   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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706 Assembly Proceedings, September 23-October 26, 1723.

L. H.J,

in relation to the Debate between us; and also Join with you
in doing what is proper towards the putting a period to the
Charge of this Sessions.

As to what you further propose we are very ready to Joyn
with you in a Congratulatory Address to his Majesty on his
happy Deliverance from the Late traiterous Conspiracy, and
to that End, we desire you would send us your Draught thereof
by some of the members of your House
Sign'd p Order Saml Skippon Cl Up ho.

Thereupon the Address to his Majesty prepared by this
House was sent to his Honr the Governour and the Upper
house by Mr Beale and three Others.
They return and say they delivered it.
Colo Holland from the Upper House Delivers Mr Speaker
the following Message viz :

By the Upper House of Assembly

Octobr the 24th 1726.
We have Considered your Draught of a Congratulatory
Address to his Majesty sent us by Mr Beale and three others
and we Approve of and are ready to Joyn with you in the same ;
And his Honr the Govr being Present was pleased to Declare
his willingness to Joyn in the same Address which he ordered
us to Signify to your House, as Likewise that he would take
the first opportunity of Transmitting it to his Lordship in
Order to its being presented to his majesty.

p. 103

Signd p Order Saml Skippon Cl. Up. ho.

Thereupon the Address being Signd by his Honour the
Governour and the members of the Upper house was also
Signd by Mr Speaker [and] the severall Members of this
House and Ordered Lu be Entred as follows VIZ.

To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty
Most Gracious Sovereign.
We your Majestys most Dutifull and Loyall Subjects his
Lordships Lieutenant Governour and the Upper and Lower
Houses of Assembly of your Majestys province of Maryland,
humbly Embrace this first Opportunity of our Meeting
together in publick Assembly, since we have heard of the Late
Horrid Conspiracy against your Majestys Person family and
Government, of Congratulateing with the rest of our ffellow
Subjects your Majestys happy Discovery of that Detestable

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 706   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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