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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 705   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Lower House, 705

relateing to the Debate before you to recommend your selves
(not Unworthily) as Servants of Consequence to the Country,
that you will please to Exert your Selves towards the putting
a period to the present and Increasing Charge of this Sessions.
We have Agreed on a congratulatory Address to his
Majesty on the Occasion of the Late Conspiracy If your
Honours have thoughts of Joyning therein with us, 'tis ready
wrote with a blank for your so doing, on your Signifying your
Inclination to joyn we shall send you up our Draught We pray
your Honours Speedy Answer that we may not be Delay'd
in Signing the same ourselves if your Honours Joyn not.
Sign'd p order. M. Jenifer Cl. Lo. Ho.

Which was sent to the Upper House by Mr Beale and three
Others. They return and say they Delivered it to his Honour
the Governour in the Upper House.
The following Message is prepared viz.

L. H. J.

By the Lower house of Assembly. Octobr the 24th 1723
May it please Your Honours
We wonder that you should Suggest by your Message of
the 23d Instant that the Journall of Accounts now before you
requires Some time for your Consideration, Since by your
Message of the 19th instant (before which your Honours had
it severall days before you) you are pleased to Signify to us
your being willing to Assent to all the Allowances therein
Except yours and Ours; your own and ours are so well known
to you and us, that we presume you Could not be Unacquainted
with them. We therefore Appeall to Your Honours whether
the reasons Offered in your Last Message can with any
reasonable Colour be taken as the'reall Cause of the Delay
we Complain of.
Sign'd p Order M. Jenifer Cl Lo. Ho.

Which was sent to the Upper House by Mr Warfield and
Mr Bozman.
They Return and say they Delivered it.
Colo Tilghman and Benjamin Tasker Esqr from the Upper
House Deliver Mr Speaker the following Message viz.

By the Upper house of Assembly
October the 24th 1723.
We have Considered your Message of this day by Mr Beale
& three others, and in a Little time shall send you our thoughts


p. 102

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 705   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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