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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 704   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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704 Assembly Proceedings, September 23-October 26, 1723.

L. H. J

. any other Cause for our being thus Long Continued Sitting
at the Countrys Expence without It's being Left in our power
as we Conclude to Do it Service Unless that your Honours
had Designed to return us the Journall of Accounts with your
Assent or Dissent thereto which we now hope your Honours
will send us or that you will use your Endeavours to Conclude
the Sessions without it, and nothing that is proper to be done
on our part shall be wanting towards it.
Signd p Order M. Jenifer Cl Lo House.

Which was sent to the Upper house after four of the Clock
in the Afternoon by Mr Courts and Capt Hooper.

p. 10

They return and Say they Delivered it.
Philemon Lloyd Esqr from the Upper House Delivers Mr
Speaker the following Message viz :

By the Upper House of Assembly

Octobr the 23d 1723.

In Answer to your Message by Mr Courts and Capt Hooper,
the Journall of Accounts now Lyes before us, and requires
some time for our Consideration; and we conceive it not Con-
sonant to the Wisdom of Publick Assemblys to do things in
an hurry We Desire therefore that you would not be Impatient
at a Small Delay which may prevent great Mistakes; and you
may Assure yourselves that nothing that is proper to be Done
on our parts shall be wanting towards the Ending of the
present Sessions.
Sign'd p Order Saml Skippon Cl Up. ho.

The House Adjourns till to morrow morning nine of the

Thursday Octobr the 24
The House meets According to Adjournment
Yesterdays proceedings are read.
The following Message is prepared viz :

By the Lower House of Assembly
Octobr the 24th 1723.
May it please Your Honours
This morning now almost Spent, we have waited your
Honours Commands and Again Desire on behalf of our
Country that as you are pleased in some of your Messages

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 704   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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