to the Plantations unless by Express words located thither,
And you are upon all Occasions so to Conduct your Self on
my behalf as not Only not to Admitt Any such practice to take
place in Maryland but Even to Discountenance Any Doubts
Concerning the Same And when Any of the English Statute
Laws are found Convenient and well Adapted to Your Cir-
cumstances, You Ought specially to Enact them de Novo or
such part of them as you find proper for you, And not by an
Act of the Province Introduce (in a Lump as it were) Any
of the English Statutes. And these Sentiments you may Instill
and Make known as you see Cause
This Instruction bears Date at London March the 18th 1722.
The Petition of Elizabeth Major praying Leave to bring in
a Bill to Enable her to make a lease of three hundred Acres
of Land her Dower of James Brooke's land notwithstanding
her Coverture was read and leave given to bring in a Bill
as prayed.
Colo Addison from the Upper house Delivers Mr Speaker
the Peto of John Mackenzy thus Endorst Viz.
By the Upper house of Assembly
Septr 25th 1723
The wthin Peto has been read and is referred to the Con-
sideration of the lower house of Assembly
Sign'd -p Order. Samuel Skippon Cl. Up. Ho.
Which was read and leave given to bring in a Bill as prayed.
Colo Tilghman from the Upper House Delivers Mr Speaker
the Petition of Thomas Dent thus Endorst Viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly
Septr 25th 1723.
This petition with the Inclosed Consent of severall of the
Petrs Creditors has been read and is recommended to the Con-
sideration of the lower house of Assembly.
Signed p order Saml Skippon Cl. Up. Ho.
Which was read and Ordered that the other Creditors have
Notice thereof that if they think fitt they may Appear and
Make their Objections thereto by Tuesday next.