. following Message which were read and ordered to be Entred
as follows Viz.
By the Upper house of Assembly
Septemr 25th 1723
We herewith send you his Lordship's Dissent to the Act
Entituled An Act for Limitation of Actions of Trespass and
Ejectment together wth a Copy of his Lordship's Instruction
to his Honour the Governour giving the reasons of his Dis-
Signed p Order Saml Skippon Cl. Up. Ho.
C. Baltemore
Charles Absolute Lord and Proprietor of the Provinces of
Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c To Our
right Trusty and welbeloved Charles Calvert Esqr Our Lieu-
tenant Governour of Our said Province of Maryland and to
Our right Trusty and welbeloved the Upper and lower houses
of Our Generall Assembly there And to all Others in Our
said province of Maryland for the time being Greeting:
Whereas at a Sessions of Assembly begun and held at An-
napolis in Our said Province of Maryland the ninth Day of
October and Ending the third Day of November in the
Seventh Year of Our Dominion Over the said Province
Annoq Dni. 1722 An Act Entituled An Act for Limitation of
Actions of Trespass and Ejectment passed into a Law,
On Due Consideration thereof, we have thought fit to Dis-
sent to the said Act and Do hereby Declare the said Act Null
Void and of no Effect
Given under Our hand and Seal at Arms at London this
Ninteenth Day of March in the Eighth Year of Our Domin-
ion Over the said Province Annoq Dni 1722.
Copy of his Lordship's first Instruction to the Honble
Charles Calvert Esqr his Lordships Lieutenant Governour