A Bill for reviving the Act for relieving the Inhabitants
of this Province from some Aggrievances in the Prosecution
of Suits at Law was read the first and second Times by Es-
pecial Order and Past which was so Endorst. And
A Bill to Prevent the Evils Ariseing by the Convicts already
Imported was read with the Amendments and past. Both
which Bills were sent to the Upper house by Mr Smith and Mr
They return and say they Delivered them.
Colo Mackall from the Comittee of Elections and Priv-
iledges returns the following report.
By the Comittee of Elections and Priviledges
September the 25th 1723
On Inspection into the Indenture of Mr Thomas Bozman
a Member return'd for Talbot County, we find him duly
Signed p Order Jno Gibson Cler. Come.
The Petition of Thomas Turner of Charles County praying
that he may be releived by a Bill to be brought in in his favour
to release him from prison was read and ordered that his
Creditors have Notice thereof that if they think fit they may
Appear by Tuesday next and make their Objections if any
Colo Ward from the Upper House Delivers Mr Speaker the
Bill for releiving the Inhabitants of this Province from some
Aggreivances &c thus Endorst.
By the Upper House of Assembly
Septemr 25th 1723.
Read and will Pass
Signed p Order Saml Skippon Cl. Up. Ho.
Whereupon the Same Past for Engrossing.
Ordered that Mr Beale and Mr Humphreys return the
thanks of this House to the Reverend Mr Samuel Skippon for
his Sermon preached this Day.
The House Adjourns till to Morrow Morning Nine o'Clock.
Thursday Septr 26th 1723
The House meet according to Adjournment
Yesterdays proceedings are Read.