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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 528   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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528 Assembly Proceedings, September 23-October 26, 1723.

U. H. J.

may suffer by the misconception of the Tobacco Law and the
following Endorsement was made thereon (viz.)

p. 67

By the Upper House of Assembly October the 10th 1723
Upon Reading the within Bill we think it not Adviseable that
the Law should have a Retrospect but that such Persons only
be relievable thereby as shall for the future, think themselves
Injured by a Judgment to be given by a Single Magistrate,
for wch the Bill will not Pass as it now stands
Sign'd p Order Saml Skippon Cl Up Ho.

And the Bill so Endors'd is sent to the Lower House by
Benjamin Tasker Esqr
Adjourned till morning

Friday Octr the 11th 1723
Met according to Adjournment
His Honour the Governor


Colo Saml Young
Colo Thos Addison
Phil. Lloyd Esqr
Colo Richd Tilghman

ColoM. Til. Ward
Jas Bowles Esqr
Jno Rousby Esqr
Benj. Tasker Esqr

of the

Ordered that the Bill for trying all Crimes in the several
Counties where they are Committed, be read again; and the
Bill was Read and thus Endorsed (viz.)

By the Upper House of Assembly October the 11th 1723
On Reading and Considering the within Bill we are of
opinion that it will not be convenient to make the Tryal of

p. 68

Crimes which may Affect Life or member within the Juris-
diction of the County Court only Assisted by one Provincial
Justice; because many of the Justices, Practitioners of the
Law, and other Officers in several Counties (tho otherwise
men of good discretion) are not well Acquainted with the
Law in such Cases. Besides as there are but few Provincial
Justices, and those far Remote from some of the County
Courts, it may often happen that the next Provincial Justice
by Sickness or other Accidents may be prevented from giving
their Attendance at the County Courts where such Criminals
are to be try'd wch would occasion them to be detained a Long

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 528   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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