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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 527   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Upper House. 527

Leaves no Room, as we conceive for your House to Expect,
that our Allowances should be paid out of that Revenue;
unless some farther provision had been made for the Better
Enabling his Ldp in the Support of such Charges as neces-
sarily attends the dispatch of the publick Busieness, wherein
we, who are of his Lordship's Council conceive that we have
the Commonweale of this Province as much at heart, and as
much under our Care as when we are Called to Act in Con-
junction with your House in the making of such wholesom
and Beneficial Laws, as seem most necessary for the Good
Governmt thereof.
But notwithstanding that this Unexpected Step might
Justly alarm the members of his Ldps Council, and Give
Umbrage of Suspicion that the Representatives of this Prov-
ince, have so mean an opinion of the Persons whom his Lord-
ship has made Choice of, to Advise his Lieut Governour in
all Emergencies of State as to believe that they do not deserve
the same publick Acknowledgments as formerly; yet we are

U. H. J.

willing to search out other Reasons for this alteration And
have a dependance that the Justice of your House, which
shines upon other Occasions will Convince us that the Direc-
tions given to the Committee of Accounts proceeded rather
from some hasty Resolve which when reassumed and duly
scrutinized will have no place with you than from any fix'd
Resolution of your House to deny upon any Terms the Cus-
tomary Allowances made to the members of this House when
they Act as a Council of State for the publick Good.

Which Message was sent to the Lower House by Esqr
Rousby who returns and says he delivered it
A Bill from the Lower House by Mr Crab and Mr Waughop
intituled an Act to punish Blasphemers Swearers Drunk-
ards and Sabbath Breakers and for Repealing the Laws here-
tofore made for the punishing such Offenders thus endorsed

By the Lower House of Assembly October the 10th 1723

Read the first and second times by especial Order and will
Signed p Order M. Jenifer Clk Lo. Ho.

This House went upon consideration of the Bill for the
relief of such Persons as have already suffered or hereafter

p. 66

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 527   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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