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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 529   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Upper House. 529

Time in Prison, and rather Augment than Lessen the Publick
Charge and render the Execution of the Law impracticable.
For which Reason this Bill will not pass.
Signed p Order Saml Skippon Cl. Up. Ho.

And the Bill so endorsed was sent to the Lower House by
Colo Thos Addison, with the following Message Prepared
on the same occasion (viz.)

By the Upper House of Assembly Octr the 11th 1723

Although for the Reasons mentioned in our Indorsement
on the Bill to try all Criminals in the County Courts where
such Crimes were Committed, we could not Consent to the
Passing of the Bill; yet we are sufficiently Convinced by the

U. H.J.

Representation of the Honourable Provincial Justices and
other Credible Informations; that the Long Attendance of
Jurors, Evidences and the Criminals and Suitors themselves
at the Provincial Courts, together with their great Fatigue
and Hazard in repairing to those Courts, is a very great
Aggrievance to the Good People of this Province, For Remedy
whereof for the future, we cannot think of any more probable
Expedient, then that two or more of the most discreet and
knowing persons on either side of the Bay, should be Com-
missioned as Judges, who, at Certain Days to be appointed,
shall, in the several Counties, together with one or more of
the County Justices according to the usual methods of Pro-
ceeding in such Cases, hear and try all matters of Fact arising
in those Counties whether Criminal or Civil, not within the
Jurisdiction of the County Court, By which means all Jurors
Evidences and other Persons only Concerned in matters of
Fact, may be Excused from any Necessary attendance at the
Provincial Courts, and the matters of Fact try'd by Jurors
of the neighbourhood, who must be supposed to be best
acquainted with them. If your House are Inclinable to come
into any such Measures, we propose a conference Between
some of the members of both Houses for that Purpose
Signed p Order Saml Skippon Cl Up Ho.

A Message from the Lower House by Mr Tyler and Mr
Whitington Viz.

p. 69

By the Lower House of Assembly Octr the 11th 1723

May it Please Your Honors
On Reading your Indorsement on the Bill for the relief of
such Persons as have or may Suffer by the Tobacco Laws


p. 70

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 529   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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