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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 526   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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526 Assembly Proceedings, September 27,-October 26, 1723.

U. H. J.

Thursday October the 10th 1723.
Met according to Adjournment
His Honour the Governor


Colo Samuel Young
Colo Thomas Addison
Philemon Lloyd Esqr
Colo Richard Tilgh-

Colo M. T. Ward
James Bowles Esqr
John Rousby Esqr
Benjamin Tasker

of the

Upon Consideration of the Resolution of the Lower House
not to make any allowances to the members of this House
when they acted as his Ldps Council of State, this House
order'd the following message to be prepar'd (viz)

p. 64

By the Upper House of Assembly Octr the 10th 1723
The usual Allowance for Attendance as a Council of State
being Denyed to some of the members of our House by the
Committee of Accounts gives occasion to so much the greater
Surprize, as your Resolution therein comes so unexpectedly.
For by the Long continuance thereof we had a great Deal of
Reason to be of Opinion that your House had been fully con-
vinced of the Reasonableness as well as Justice of those Al-
lowances, made on Account of our Attendance upon Emer-
gencies of Government; seeing that you Cannot be insensible,
that the interest and Commonweal of this Province are so
Interwove and inseperably United to that of our Lord Pro-
prietary; That there can be no Seperation without hazarding
the Dissolution of the whole nor Could we have imagined that
your House would have fallen upon any measures as should
give the Least Umbrage of Discouraging our faithfull ser-
vices to his Lordship for the Common Good of the Inhabitants
of this Province, either by Denying us such Reasonable and
Customary Allowances as barely Defray the Charge of Leav-
ing our families for the Services of the publick or by any
other means whatsoever.
But Supposing that you had some Reasons for this Innova-
tion and that your House should be of Opinion that the Ld
Propry ought to defray the Charge and Attendance of his

p. 65

Council of State out of the Publick Revenue yet you will
give us Leave to put you in mind that the whole of the Rev-
enue, arising by Act of Assembly is entirely applied to the
uses therein mention'd and to no other uses whatsoever; and

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 526   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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