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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 525   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Upper House.. 525

done to those persons who have Grants for Lands within the
Indian Bounds of an Elder date than the Act of Assembly
wch Confirms the Indians' Lands to them we hope the Justice of
the Legislature at that time was such that they would not
deprive any man of his Property without just Cause and
therefore we ought to believe that either the Proprietors of
those Lands had a Compensation some way or other made for
them for their Rights till the same should Revert to them or
their Heirs again by the Desertion, of the Indians, or rather
that the Indians were Actually residing upon those Lands by
the Consent of the Government, when they were taken up, and

U. H. J.

for that reason thought by the Legislature to have a more
Equitable Right than those who were but intruders upon
them Besides if the Proprietors of those Lands at the Time of
making the Law had been able to make it Appear that there
was any Injustice done them, we doubt not but they would
imediately apply themselves to that, or the next Succeeding
Assembly for Relief, which we Cannot find they ever did.
For which Reasons we hope your House will concur with ours
in Approving the Report of the Conferees.
Signed p Order Saml Skippon Clk Up Ho.

And the Answer so prepar'd was sent to the Lower House
by James Bowles Esqr
Colo Holland on Behalf of himself and the Rest of the Mem-
bers of this House Deliver'd to the Honble Charles Calvert
Esqr their Answer to his Honours second speech made to
both Houses on Saturday September the 28th which Answer
is as follows (viz)

To the Honble Charles Calvert Esqr Governour of Mary-
land &ca

By the upper House of Assembly
May it please your Honr.
We Esteem it our Happiness that our proceedings in the
Dispatch of those Affairs you were pleas'd to lay before us,
at the opening this Sessions has met with your Honours appro-
bation, and we assure you we shall endeavour to answer your

p. 62

Expectation in what you have now Recomended to us, with a
gratefull sence both of his Lordship's Goodness and your kind
Endeavors for the Good of this Province
Sign'd p ordr Saml Skippon Cl. Up: Ho.

Adjourned till Morning

P. 63

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 525   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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