At a Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of
Annapolis, in the County of Ann-Arundel, for the Province of
Maryland, the 9th Day of October, and ended the 3d Day of
November, in the 8th Year of the Dominion of the Right
Honourable Charles, absolute Lord and Proprietary of the
Provinces of Maryland and Avalon, Lord Baron of Balti-
more, &c. Annoq; Domini 1722, were Enacted the following
Laws, viz.
Charles Calvert, Esq. Governor.
An Act to confirm Lands devised for the Use of the Church.
Whereas for a considerable Time (from the first Settle-
ment of this Province) there were few or no Ministers to dis-
pense the Word and Sacraments, that the Country was in an
unsettled Condition as to Religion, and few or no Parishes
erected during that Time: And Whereas several pious and
well disposed Persons, for promoting the Protestant Religion,
and for Encouragement of Ministers, have given or devised
several Parcels of Land for that Use; but that notwithstand-
ing the good Intent of several of the Devisors have been frus-
trated through the Negligence or Unskilfulness of the Writers
of Wills, which is a great Injury to the Church, and has and
may be a Discouragement to Persons charitably inclined, to
give any Lands for Glebes where they are wanted, as they
are in many Parishes; which makes the Incumbent unsettled
and reduces him to Streights as to his Residence: For Remedy
whereof for the future ;
II. Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and
the Authority of the Same, That any Person or Persons being
of sound and disposing Mind and Memory, that have heretofore
devised, or shall hereafter devise, any Lands or Tenements
to the Use of any Church or Chapel within this Province, or
for Support or Maintainance of the Clergy or Ministry of the
Church of England, as by Law established, or to the Use of
the Church, or Support of the Protestant Religion in general,
without particularly mentioning to what Church, Chapel or
1The original record having been lost, the text of these Acts is taken from
Bacon's Laws of Maryland at Large, published in 1765.
Chap. IV