After which his Honr the Govr was pleased to Deliver him-
self in the following words, Viz
This Sessions being Concluded it remains only that I pro-
rogue you to the Twelfth day of ffebruary next and you are
required to take Notice that you are Accordingly so prorogued.
Cha. Calvert.
Afterwards Mr Speaker with the whole House return to
their own House where Mr Speaker resumes the Chair and
reports that his Honr the Governour had thought fit with the
Advice of the Right Honble he Ld Proprietaries Councill
of State in this Province to prorogue this present Generall
Assembly till the Twelfth day of ffebruary next. To which
Time this House Accordingly prorogues it Self.
So Endeth this [ninth] Sessions of Assembly held for
this province since his Most gracious Majty has been pleased
to restore the right Honble the Ld Propry to the Government
thereof this Third day of Novr in the [seventh] year of his
Lordships Dominion over this Province &c Ano Dom. 1722.
Test. M. Jenifer Cl. Lo Ho of Assy.