10. A further Supplementary Engrost Bill to the Act for
better administracon of Justice in Testamentary affairs grant-
ing administracons Recovery of Legacies Securing filial por-
tions and distribucon of Intestates Estates,
11. An Engrost Bill for Continuing Process in Baltemore
12. An Engrost Bill for Regulating Amerciaments in the
Provl & County Courts & Directing the Applicacon of them
and for repealing part of An Act Intituled An Act for the
better Admrcon of Justice in the high Court of Appeals Chan-
cery Provincial and County Courts of this Province for the
more Speedy recovery of Debts easie obtaining of Exe-
cucons ag' psons absenting from the Counties where the
Judgments were recovered agt them for preventing Comissrs,
Sherriffs, Sub Sherrs & Deputy Clerks to plead as attorneys
in the respective Courts to wch they belong and for Amerciamts
in the Prov" & County Courts.
13. An Engrost Bill for the better relief of poor Debtors.
14. A Supplementary engrost Bill to the Act for repairing
the Damages already Sustained in the records of the Land
Secretarys Comissarys & County Court offices and for
Security of the same records for the future.
15. An Engrost Bill directing how fines shalbe adjudged
agt such as Neglect to Appear at Musters
16. An Engrost Bill to prevent the Clandestine riming of
Tobo into any of the Neighbouring Colonies.
L. H. J.