James Lloyd who this Sessions is made one of his Lordships
Honble Council.
Ordered that Coll: Mackall and Mr Tyler go to the upper
House and Acquaint them that nothing of Publick Business
remains before this House unfinished.
They return and say They delivered their Message.
Coll Addison from the upper House Acquaints Mr Speaker
That his Honour the Govr requires him and the whole House
to Attend Imediately in the upper House and withdrew.
Thereupon Mr Speaker with the whole House go to the
Upper House where his Honr the Govr was pleased to Enact
the several Engrost Bills following into Laws by sealing them
with the right Honble the Ld Proprys great Scale of this prov-
ince and Severally thus endorsing them Viz :
On behalf of the right Honble the Lord Propry of This
Province, I will this be a Law.
Cha: Calvert.