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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 387   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Upper House. 387

by next Sessions, and render a great Sum of niony useless
and dead to the Province.
Signed p order Saml Skippon Cl Up Ho.

And the said Answer is sent to the Lower House by Col
Holland who returns and says he delivered it
Then the Bill (for Relief of some Persons that have suffered
by the misconception of the Laws heretofore made to regulate
the making of Tobacco) was read and the following Endors-
ment made thereon Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly Novr the 2nd 1722

This Bill will pass if instead of the words (and by other
undue Prosecutions) be inserted these Words, (as it is repre-
sented to this Present General Assembly)
Sign'd p order Saml Skippon Cl Up Ho.

And the Bill so endorsed is. sent to the Lower House by Col
Young who returns and says he delivered it.
The Supplementary Tobacco Bill brought up from the
Lower House by Mr Tyler and five others thus Endors'd
By the Lower House of Assembly

Novr the 2d 1722
This Bill being fram'd contrary to several former Resolves
of our House as well in Respect to the oaths as other Incon-
veniences therein cannot Consent the same should pass
Signed p Ordr Saml Skippon Cl Up Ho.1

Adjourned till to Morrow morning nine of the Clock

Saturday Novr the 3d 1722
Met according to Adjournment
His Honour the Governour

U. H. J.

The Honble

Col Wm Holland
Col Saml Young
Col Thos Addison
Philemon Lloyd Esqr

Col RichdTilghman
Col M. Tilgh. Ward
James Bowles Esqr

Members of the Upper House

Col Matth Tilgh Ward, appointed to Conferr with the
Committee of the Lower House concerning the proper Ap-

1 Error for " M. Jenifer Cl. Lo. Ho."

P. 47

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 387   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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