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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 388   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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388 Assembly Proceedings, October ^-November 3, 1722.

U. H. J

. plication of the mony arising from the additional Duty on
Irish Servants being Papists and Negroes for the Uses & In-
tent for which the same was raised; made Report of the Con-
ference to the Board, which Report is as follows (Viz)

By a Conference held at the House of Mrs Kennedy Novr
the Ist 1722 to Consult proper measures for disposing of the
money rais'd for erecting Schools in the Several Counties of
this Province

The Conferrees are,
from the Upper House,
The Honble Col Matthew Tilghman Ward,
from the Lower House

The Honble

Col John Mackall
Thomas Bordley Esqr
Mr Robt Tyler

Mr James Lloyd
Col John Ward
Mr Robert King

Upon mature Consideration, the Conferees report it as their

Ist That one School be erected in some convenient Place in
each County

2d That there be seven Persons appointed by Act of Assem-
bly for every County as Visitors of the School of that County,
whereof the Major part to be enabled to Act; and in Case of
Death or Absence to perpetuate their Succession in the same
Manner as is provided for the free School of Annapolis and
that they be a Body Politick

3d That such Visitors purchase some Convenient Parcel of
Land for the Use of such School to contain one Hundred Acres
or thereabouts, and as near as they can, that one Half thereof
may be fit for a small Pasture & Corn-field and the Rest for
Wood Land, and for keeping the Fencing in good Repair and
finding fire-Wood; but that none of that Moiety reserved for
Woodland be cleared by any Master, otherwise than for the
use aforesaid unless by consent of the Visitors, nor any Master
be suffered to make Tobo thereon

4th That in Case such Land hath not a Convenient House
for a School Master to live and teach School in that the Vis-
itors provide such House; but that especial Care be taken that
such Settlement be made for them at such Place in each County
as may be most Convenient for the Boarding of Children

5th That the Visitors take proper Methods to encourage
good School masters capable of teaching a good Grammar
School and also the Mathematicks if such Master can con-


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 388   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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