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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 386   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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386 Assembly Proceedings, October 9-November 3, 1722.

U. H.J.

Persons from purchasing or leasing any Lands from the
Signed p Ordr Saml Skippon Cl Up. ho

Which Message is sent to the Lower House by Esqr Bowles

who returns and says he delivered it.

A Message from the Lower house by Col Mackall and Mr

By the Lower House of Assembly Novr the 2d 1722
May it please your Honrs
We have considered the Petition herewith sent and are will-
ing that the same should be referr'd 'till next Sessions, and
desire that by an ordinance of Assembly the Sherriff of Cal-
vert County be ordered to give notice to the several Free-
holders of that County, as in Cases of Elections, that they meet
in the Now Court House in the said County on Thursday in
the next County Court Week there by Majority of Voices to
declare whether the Court House shall be removed or not;
and if to be removed, to make Choice of a Place whereto to
remove it, and the said Sherriffe take the Votes and make his
return thereof at the next Sessions of Assembly, with which
if your Honours concur, the Orders may be made out ac-
Signed p ordr M: Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.

Order'd that the Message ( from the Lower House this Day
by Mr Tyler and Mr Crabb) be read and the Message was
read and upon reading the following Answer was ordered to
be prepared

By the Upper House of Assembly Novr the 2d 1722

Gentlemen. In answer to your Message by Mr Tyler and
Mr Crabb This House is of opinion that a short Bill be brought
in this Sessions to distribute the money now in the Hands of
the Treasurers of this Province into so many equal Parts as
by the Conferees is determined (with whose Report this House
Concurs) and as is Agreed to by your House; And we are the
rather of this opinion, because The Treasurer of the Western

p. 46

Shore is apprehensive of being robbed, now that it is so pub-
lickly known that he has by him so Considerable a Sum; besides
that to refer a Thing of that Consequence to next Sessions,
would prevent the Immediate settling of Schools, though
extremely wanted, which yet might be in a good forwardness

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 386   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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