Coll Holland and two Others from the upper house deliver
Mr Speaker the Explanatory Bill to the Act for Preventing the
Makeing Trashey Tobaco with the following Message Viz :
By the Upper House of Assembly ffebry the 27th 1721.
In Answer to your Message by Mr James Stoddart and five
others members of your house We have read and Considered
the Alterations and additions proposed by said Mesage and
agree to the Same and desire that the bill may be Prepared
Signed p Order Sam. Skippon Cl: Up. Ho.
Thereupon Order'd that the Comittee of Laws Prepare the
John Hall Esqr from the upper house delivers Mr Speaker
the Petition of Mr Jacob Hendersons thus Indorst Viz :
By the upper house of Assembly ffdf the 27th 1721.
This Petition being Recomended to us by his Honr the Govt
has been read and Considered by us and is further Recom-
ended to the Consideration of the Lower house.
Signed p Order. Sam. Skippon Clk Up. Ho
Which was Referred till Next Sessions.
Coll: Addison from the Uppr house delivers Mr Speaker the
bill for the Relief of sundry poor prisoners thus endorst Viz :
By the upper House of Assembly ffebry 27th 1721
Read and will pass wth the allowance to the Coalers Men-
con'd in your Message by Mr Benjamin and Mr Lambert
Signed p Order Sam. Skippon Cl Up. Ho.
Thereupon the same is read againe and past for Engrossing
and was sent to the Comittee of Laws to be engross'd.
The House adjourns till to Morrow Morning Nine of the
Wednesday Morning ffeb. 28th
The House meets according to Adjournment. Yesterdays
proceedings are read.
The Writt of Eleccon and Indenture whereon Capt Jnc
Dorsey a Membr return'd to serve for Baltemore County is