Then the Question was put whether the Allowance shall be
made for 6000 or 4000ll of Tobo to be Divided Between them.
Carried by the majority of Votes that 6000ll Tobo to be allowed
by the publick Viz: To Thomas Jobson 3000ll of Tobo and to
Charles Rivers 3000ll Tobo
And Ordered the following Message be prepared viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly ffebry the 27th 1721.
May it Please your Honours
In Answer to Your Message of Yesterday by Coll: Addison
wth a Bill for relief of Sundry poor prisoners &c. This House
are willing to allow to Thomas Jobson the late Goaler of An-
napolis Three Thousand pounds of Tobacco and to the present
Goaler Charles Rivers Three Thousand pounds of Tobacco
more in full for their fees which if your honours Think reason-
able we Desire the bill may pass in your house.
Signed p Order. M. Jenifer Cl. Lower house.
Which was sent to the upper house with the bill aforesd by
Mr Tasker and Mr Wilmore, They return and say they Deliv-
ered them.
Mr Tyler from the Committee of Aggrievances Return the
following Report :
By the Committee of Aggrievances ffeb. 26th 1721
It is offered to this Committee as An Aggrievance that there
is no Provision made in the Act of Assembly for incourage-
ment of Tillage and Relief of Poor Debtors obliging all Credi-
tors to Receive Tobo for Money or Money for Tobacco which
seems as an Agrievance since Tobaco is Look'd upon to be the
Staple of our Country, it is therefore Refered to the Lower
house of Assembly for their further Consideration.
It is allso offered to this Committee as an Agrevance that the
time Limitted in the Act of Assembly intituled An Act for
Relief of Debtors and Ascertaining the manner of Tenders
in Tobaco is Limitted from the first day of November till the
last day of March which is Look't upon to be too short a time;
Since all Tobaco is to be got Redy by the Last of May Yearly
which seems Reasonable to Lengthen the time from the Last
of March till the Last day of May which is Refer'd to the
Lower house of Assembly for their Consideration.
Signed p order Nin: Mariartee Cl. Comt
Which was Read and Refer'd till next Sessions for further