brot into the house having been delivered to his Honor the
Governor in October last so that it appears That the Sheriff
has fully done his duty therein, Thereupon he is discharged.
And ordered that the Sergeant be allow'd Three pounds Cur-
rent Money and the Clerk Ten Shillings to be paid by the
Ordered That Mr Jno Caldwell gett a brass Fane made to
the fflagg Staff to be Set upon the Stadt House for wch he is
to be allow'd by the publick.
Mr Evan Jones has the liberty of printing the Tobacco
Coll: Tilghman from the upper House delivers Mr Speaker
the following Message Viz :
By the Uppr House of Assembly ffebry 28th 1721
We agree with you in yor Message of ffeb. 26th by Mr Cald-
well and Mr Willmer membrs of your house and have entered a
Resolve on our Journal to that purpose.
Signed p Order Sam. Skippon Cl. Up: House
Jno Hall Esqr from the Uppr House delivrs Mr Speaker a
Lettr from the revd Mr Jacob Henderson directed to his Honr
the Governr & by his Honor recommended to the upper House
setting forth the bad State of the Church in Baltemore County
&ca thus Endors't.
By the uppr House of Assembly Feb. 28th 1721.
The wth in lettr from the Revd Mr Jacob Henderson relating
to the Melancholy Circumstances of the Inhabitants on the
South side of Patapsco for want of a Ministers Assistance
having been laid before us by his Honor the Governor has been
read and is recomended to the Consideracon of the Lower
Signed p Order Saml Skippon Cl. Up. ho.
The Journal of the Cofnittee of Accounts (brot down from
the Cofnittee by Capt Codd) was read and thus endorst Viz.
ffeb: the 28th 1721
Read and Assented to by the lower house of Assembly and
Signed p ordr M. Jenifer Cl. Lo: Ho.
And Sent to the Uppr House by the Gent of that Cofnittee
They return and Say they delivered it.