L. H. J.
our utmost Efforts to quiett the Minds of the good people of
this province and Render that Law usefull and Advantagious
not Doubting but Your Honour out of your great goodness
and Affection towards us, will readely agree to any thing of
that Sort.
It would be happy for us that we could Applye our Selves
to what his most gracious Majesty so Tenderly recommends,
tis indeed an Instance of his great and fatherly Care of us
altho so remotely scituate from his Royall presence and must
attach [us] to him with all duty and loyall Gratitude, But as
we Conceive meliorating our old Staple will of Course advance
its price so we believe the late Incouragement given to the
hemp Manufacture here, will have so little effect for a time as
that it will be in Vaine to Constitute any officers as your
honour in your kind Speech to us is pleased to mention untill
wee see some probability of their haveing business and then
(in our humble Opinions) it will be timely enough to give the
Encouragement your honour is likewise pleased to propose.
With the greatest concern we are acquainted with the
Malevolence of the Spreaders of false reports to the prejudice
and Aspersion of your honour and do sincerely Assure you Sir,
That in our real Opinion no Governour of Maryland has
hitherto Ruled and presided over it with more Equall and Im-
partiall Justice and with less regard to his owne private
Interest so that those base Authors have not gained among us
the least of their desired ends, and wee do fully Resolve (as
much as in us lyes) to discover and expose such evill minded
We will exert our Selves in the Dispatch of the publick
affairs, so as to diminish (what possibly we Cann) the charge
of this Assembly to the people, and will always discourage in
our Severall Counties Faction partys and News makeing as
well as earnestly recommend to those we respectively repre-
sent the Christian and Charitable disposition of peace Unity
and Concord towards and with each other.
Ordered that Mr Lee and Mr Contee goe to his Honr the
Governour and desire to know of him when and where hee will
be pleased to receive the address of this house. They returne
and say that his Honour the Governour acquaints them that
hee will Receive it immediately in the Conference Chamber.
Thereupon ordered that Mr Stoddart and nine others go to
the Conference chamber [&] present it.
They return and Say they have presented it.