Which was Read againe and past for engrosing.
The house adjourns till two a Clock in the afternoon
Post meridiem.
The house meet according to adjournment
An Explanatory bill to the Act to prevent makeing Trashy
Tobacco &c Read the first and second times by Especiall order
and past which was so endorst and sent to the upper house by
Mr Lee and five others
They return and say they delivered it.
Ordered the following Message be prepared Viz.
By the lower house of Assembly ffebry the 22d 1721
May it please your Honours
This house towards the Repaireing the powder house agreed
last Sessions with Mr George Dashiel for Twelve hundred foot
of inch Planck at one penny Currancy p foot which he has
now brought over for that purpose.
Therefore wee desire your Honors will be pleased to Order
some Care to be taken thereof and Mr Dashiell his payment
for the Same.
Signd p order. M. Jenifer Cl. Lo house.
Which was sent to the upper house by Mr Dashiell he returns
and says he delivered it.
The house adjourns till to Morrow Morning Nine of the
ffryday ffebruary the 23d
The house meet according to Adjournmt Yesterdays Pro-
ceedings are read.
The Answer to the Governours Speech read and Approved
of and ordered to be entered as followeth Viz :
To Charles Calvert Esqr Governour of Maryland
The humble Address of the Lower house of Assembly.
May it Please Your Honour
The Necessity of Convening us though at this so unseason-
able a time of the year is so Apparent that it introduces with it
a most just Apology which engages us to concurr with your
honour in our Sentiments that the Tobacco Act (although
founded on the best of Intentions) requires some Amend-
ments or Explanation in the performance whereof we will use