Mr Francis Holland Sherrife of Baltemore County not
haveing returned the Writt of Election and Indentures where-
in Capt John Dorsey was elected,
Ordered that Warrant Issue to the Seargant attendant on
this house to bring the said Sherrife before this house to
Answer for his default therein which accordingly Issued.
Ordered the following Message be prepared viz :
By the Lower house of Assembly ffebry the 23d 1721.
May it Please your honours
The Agreement intended to have been made last Sessions
with Mr John Caldwell about the repairs to be made to the
Stadt house is not nor Cannott yett be Consummated by the
Genl then appointed by reason of Mr Philemon Lloyds absence
from Annapolis, Wherefore wee desire that some Other Mem-
ber of your house may be appointed to Joyne with Mr Tasker
and Mr Garrett that a finall Agreement may be now made
Signed p Order. M: Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.
Which was sent to the Upper house by Col Ward and Mr
They Returne and say they delivered it.
Coll Addison from the upper house delivers Mr Speaker the
following Message Viz :
By the upper house of Assembly ffebruary the 23rd 1721.
In Answer to your message by Coll Ward and Mr Lambert
Wilmer this house appoints Coll: Saml Young (in the Roome
of Mr Lloyd) to joyn with Mr Tasker and Mr Garratt in Make-
ing a fineall Agreement with Mr John Caldwell about the
Repairs to be Made to the Stadt house.
Signed p Order. Saml Skippon Cl Up ho :
The house adjourns till two a Clock in the afternoon.
Post Merediem
The house meet according to Adjournment.
The Question was put whether the petition of Sundry poor
prisoners shall be received or not.
Carried in the Affirmative by the Majority of Votes.
Thereupon the Petitions were Read and the Question was
put whether a bill shall be brought in this Sessions or not.