Wish you Health and remain Your ffriends.
Signed p Order of the Lower House.
R: Ungle, Speaker.
Ordered that Coll Mackall and Mr Tyler goe to the Upper
House and Aquaint his Honour the Governour that nothing
of Publick Business remains before this House Unfinished.
They Return and Say They have Delivered their Message.
Coll: Holland from the Upper House Acquaints Mr Speaker
that his Honr the Governr Commands him & the whole
House immediately to Attend him in the Upper House and
Whereupon Mr Speaker with the whole House went to the
Upper House; where his Honour the Governr was pleased
to Enact the Several Engrost Bills following into Laws, by
Sealing them with the Right Honble the Lord Proprietarys
Great Seal and Endorsing them severally thus Viz.
On the Behalf of the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary
of this Province. I will this be a Law.
Cha. Calvert.
No I An Engrost Bill for Reviving An Act Intituled An
Act for Raising a Duty of three Pence p hhd on all Tobacco
Exported out of this Province for the uses therein mentioned.
No 2. An Engrost Bill for Reviving and Continuing An
Act of Assembly Intituled An Act for Relieving the Inhab-
itants of this Province from some Aggrievances in the Prose-
cution of Suits at Law.
No 3. An Engrost Bill for Reviving & Continuing the Act
for Ascertaining the Gauge & Tare of Tobacco hogsheads &c.
No 4. An Engrost Supplementary Bill to the Act for Stay
of Executions after the tenth day of May Yearly.