No 5. An Engrost Bill to Limit the Continuance of
Actions in Several Courts within this Province & Ascertaining
the Manner of taking the Evidence of Seafaring Men, and for
Granting Appeals from the Chancery Court to the Governour
& Council.
No 6. An Engrost Bill for the Naturalization of Joseph
Lazeear & Gustavus Hesselius and their Children and Christn
Geist of the City of Annapolis Gent.
No 7. An Engrost Bill to Confirm the Lands Devised by
Robert Anderson of Prince George's County Deceased unto
his three sons Robert Anderson, Cuthbei I Anderson &. James
Anderson in ffee simple to them & their Heirs and assignes
for Ever.
No 8. An Engrost Bill for Impowering the Justices of
Prince Georges County to Levy twelve pounds of Tobacco p
Poll on all the Taxables wth in the said County for the finishing
their Court House and Building a Publick Prison for the Use
of the said County.
No 9. An Engrost Bill for Preventing the Makeing of
Trashy Tobacco & for Bettering the Staple of this Province.
No 10. An Engrost Bill for Relieving and freeing the In-
habitants of this province and others Removing their Families
from any other Countrys or Colonys to Settle & Inhabit wth in
this Province from paying the Duties and Impositions on
Negroes for any of their Domestick Slaves.
11. An Engrost Bill for the Relief of John Connoway of
Ann Arundel County a Languishing Prisoner.
12. An Engrost Bill for Reviving and Continuing An Act
for the Regulating of Ordinaries.
13. An Engrost Bill for Impowering a Committee to Lay,